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Darrell Waisberg Professional

Aug 16th, 2022 at 16:56   Legal Services   60 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M4W 3B8   10 views Reference: 1242869

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General Information

Darrell S. Waisberg has handled a great variety of divorce and family law cases. While believing that parties should always try to settle their cases before a Judge injects his orher will into their lives, Mr. Waisberg is very comfortable and does some of his best work in the courtroom.Not shy or timid, Mr. Waisberg argues strenuously for his client's rights to ensure that each client not only gets the best possible representation but also the best possible result.At the law firm of Darrell S. Waisberg, we understand that the breakup of a family or custody battles are the most psychologically devastating events that a person can experience. We understand that, in addition to the legal issues, there are psychological and emotional issues that must be dealt with as well.This unique ability to understand the emotional aspects of what you are living through, the high level of legal expertise and the ability to advocate effectively in the courtroom for you is why Mr. Waisberg continues to provide legal counsel as a family law lawyer with over 18 years experience

Domains of law

  • Civil Law,
  • Collaborative Law,
  • Criminal Law,
  • Family Law,

Website: http://www.waisbergfamilylaw.com/

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