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Dan Pucher Insurance Professional

Aug 17th, 2022 at 01:36   Insurance   North Bay   22 views Reference: 1262405

0.0 star

Location: North Bay

General Information

International students attending educational institutions in Canada are not covered under Canadian government health plans. The TI read more23 Jun21st Century Travel offers a unique deductible feature which is applicable only to the $25,000.00 and $50,000.00 coverage limits. It is cal read more21 Jun Travel medical insurance will provide emergency coverage for preexisting conditions as long as the condition has been stable for a spec read more20 Jun Visitors to Canada, new immigrants and returning Canadians are not covered under Canadian government health plans. A visitor's to Ca read more13 Jun TIC (Travel Insurance Coordinators) provides emergency medical coverage for students coming to Canada. There is a choice of two pla read more15 MayCanadian snowbirds may spend up to six months at a time outside of Canada. They do not want to worry possible medical costs while the read more6 May This policy has some features which are unique for visitors to Canada policies. The application of the deductible is one of these fe read more1 MayYour provincial health plan will provide very limited coverage if you are travelling out of country or out of province.

Accepted Payment Method(s)


Website: http://www.pucherinsurance.com/

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