Courtenay Spring & Welding Inc Professional
Aug 11th, 2022 at 08:16 Auto Services 2774 Rennison Rd, Courtenay, BC V9J 1S5 8 views Reference: 742528Location: 2774 Rennison Rd, Courtenay, BC V9J 1S5
General Information
Courtenay Spring Welding has been serving the Comox Valley for 22 years. We specialize in suspensions, from springs to U-bolts, light duty or heavy duty. Our highly skilled technicians are ready to do a large variety of high quality welding and fabricating. Long-time residences of Comox Valley, owner Kevin Mackie is a certified marine engineer and welder fabricator, and Brian Diamond, our co-owner, is a certified heavy duty mechanic and vehicle inspector. Contact Courtenay Spring Welding for all your spring and truck suspension repairs.
Products and Services
- Automobile Parts & Supplies,
- U-bolts Make To Order,
- Spring Bushing Sales,
- Overload Springs,
- Leaf Additions And Repairs,
- Re-arc Springs,
- Suspension Lifts,
- Spring And Suspension Repairs,
- Springs Custom Made,
- Aluminum Welding,
- Steel Welding,
- Stainless Steel Welding,
- McPhearson Sturts, Shocks And Coil Springs,
- Built Axles,
- Welding Fabrication,
- Metal Sales,
- Mobile Welding,
- Heavy Duty And Automotive Repairs,
- Trailer Repairs,
Languages Spoken
- English,
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Master Card, Visa ,Cash, Interac
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Courtenay Spring & Welding Inc
Total Listing
About Seller
Courtenay Spring Welding has been serving the Comox Valley for 22 years. We specialize in suspensions, from springs to U-bolts, light duty or heavy duty. Our highly skilled technicians are ready to do a large variety of high quality welding and fabricating.
Long-time residences of Comox Valley, owner Kevin Mackie is a certified marine engineer and welder fabricator, and Brian Diamond, our co-owner, is a certified heavy duty mechanic and vehicle inspector. Contact Courtenay Spring Welding for all your spring and truck suspension repairs.
Products and Services
Automobile Parts & Supplies,
U-bolts Make To Order,
Spring Bushing Sales,
Overload Springs,
Leaf Additions And Repairs,
Re-arc Springs,
Suspension Lifts,
Spring And Suspension Repairs,
Springs Custom Made,
Aluminum Welding,
Steel Welding,
Stainless Steel Welding,
McPhearson Sturts, Shocks And Coil Springs,
Built Axles,
Welding Fabrication,
Metal Sales,
Mobile Welding,
Heavy Duty And Automotive Repairs,
Trailer Repairs,
Languages Spoken