Couch Auto Body Professional
Aug 16th, 2022 at 07:47 Auto Services Burgessville RR 2, Burgessville, ON N0J 1C0 16 views Reference: 1183916General Information
For Couch Automotive Repair, being small has never been a problem. In fact, it's a source of pride, as reflected by their slogan, 'Not the Biggest, But Certainly the Best.'Since 1990, Couch Automotive Repair has been providing quality automotive repair to the Durham, N.C. area. Owner Skip Couch started out as a tech and built a one-man shop into what it is today. Along the way Couch has instilled his knowledge and experience in everyone who works with him.At the end of day, Couch's main goal is to make sure every customer is happy and satisfied, because he knows that Couch Automotive Repair would not be here without the customer. They ASE certified and offer a warranty of 12 months or 12,000 miles on their work. They also offer a shuttle upon request.
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Master Card ,Cash, Visa
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