Clinic of Biomedicine Professional
Aug 18th, 2022 at 10:13 Medical Services 360 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1X1 10 views Reference: 1507090Location: 360 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1X1
General Information
Most ailments are considered to be CHRONIC if there is no improvement to patient's condition within six months of medical treatment. In most cases those conditions are wrongly considered not curable and conventional physicians usually offer only palliative treatment such as Cortisone and painkillers.Our experience is that many so-called CHRONIC conditions are curable. Chronic ailments that do not react to curative treatment may be palliated with greater success using gentle biochemical and homeopathic (also herbal) medicines with almost no harmful side effects. Differentiating factor between a cure and a failure can often be the therapeutic approach to the problem. Conventional and usually strongly chemical medicines with their dangerous side effects are definitely not able to CURE chronic conditions.At our clinic we use constitutional approach to patients illness. With the help of powerful but gently acting Biomedicine and homeopathic medicines our physicians are able to treat Chronicities with great success.. If you are suffering from a chronic condition, please feel free to call our clinic for free consultation.
Products and Services
- Immune System Disorders,
- Preventive Medicine,
- Chronic Diseases,
- Alternative Cancer Therapies,
- Holistic Cancer Treatment,
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