Classic Auto Upholstery Professional
Aug 17th, 2022 at 15:32 Auto Services 115 Craig, Ailsa Craig, ON N0M 1A0 5 views Reference: 1378867Location: 115 Craig, Ailsa Craig, ON N0M 1A0
General Information
Le Baron Bonney Company (LBB) has over 50 years' experience producing award-winning auto interiors for antique and custom restorations. Our specialty is designing and manufacturing kits that a trim shop or individual can use to easily install the new interior. With over 100,000 interior kits sold, we take pride in creating the best-fitting interiors, made from the highest-quality materials.
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Seller Information
Classic Auto Upholstery
Total Listing
About Seller
Le Baron Bonney Company (LBB) has over 50 years' experience producing award-winning auto interiors for antique and custom restorations. Our specialty is designing and manufacturing kits that a trim shop or individual can use to easily install the new interior. With over 100,000 interior kits sold, we take pride in creating the best-fitting interiors, made from the highest-quality materials.