Chase Merchant Services Professional
Aug 10th, 2022 at 03:25 Auto Services 6514 Pinehurst Dr, Vancouver, BC V5X 4P1 7 views Reference: 612948Location: 6514 Pinehurst Dr, Vancouver, BC V5X 4P1
General Information
Ralph's Recycled Auto Parts is BC's largest auto dismantler. We have five locations in Greater Vancouver: two in Richmond, two in Surrey and one in Abbotsford. Ralph's operates on approx. 30 acres in total with almost 5,000 vehicles in stock at all times. We purchase about 150 insurance salvage vehicles every week, as well as additional vehicles from auctions, towing companies and private individuals.
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Seller Information
Chase Merchant Services
Total Listing
About Seller
Ralph's Recycled Auto Parts is BC's largest auto dismantler. We have five locations in Greater Vancouver: two in Richmond, two in Surrey and one in Abbotsford. Ralph's operates on approx. 30 acres in total with almost 5,000 vehicles in stock at all times. We purchase about 150 insurance salvage vehicles every week, as well as additional vehicles from auctions, towing companies and private individuals.