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Caradoc Delaware Mutual Insurance Co Professional

Aug 14th, 2022 at 01:07   Insurance   22508 Adelaide Rd, Mount Brydges, ON N0L 1W0   14 views Reference: 931002

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General Information

Caradoc Delaware Mutual is a true mutual, which means that each policyholder actually owns a portion of the company. Each year at our Annual Meeting directors for our Board are elected from amongst the policyholders. The board is responsible for ensuring that the management of the company follows the guidelines and directions that they have laid out for the operation of the company. Since we are service rather than profit oriented, the board may decide to refund a portion of your insurance premium to you at the end of a financial year where we have exceptional results. Over $1 million has been refunded to our policyholders during the past eleven years. We support many community activities including sports, local fairs, H.O.M.M.E., Neighborhood Watch, and Citizens on Patr.

Website: http://www.cdmins.com/

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