Canadian Tire Stores Professional
Aug 15th, 2022 at 13:33 Auto Services 2501 Greenbank Rd Nepean, ON 15 views Reference: 1162756When you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Canadian Tire Stores
Total Listing
About Seller
Founded in 1922, Canadian Tire Corporation is one of Canada's most-shopped general retailers, providing products and services for the jobs and joys of everyday life. With more than 1,200 retail and gasoline outlets across the country, our primary business categories - Automotive, Living, Fixing, Playing and Apparel - are supported by our Financial Services division.Our core retail and automotive operation is strengthened by PartSource, an automotive parts speciality chain; Canadian Tire Petroleum, one of the country's largest independent retailers of gasoline; Mark's, a leading retailer of men's, women's and work apparel; and Canadian Tire Financial Services, which has issued approximately four million Canadian Tire MasterCard credit cards.
Products and Services
Air Conditioning,
Auto Body Repair,
Auto Custom And Performance,
Auto Fluids And Chemicals,
Auto Headlights,
Auto Repair Accessories,
Auto Safety And Security,
Auto Service,
Auto Tools,
Battery Accessories,
Bluetooth Devices,
Car Audio/video,
Gps And Compasses,
Repair Manuals,
Switches And Relays,