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Burquitlam Automotive Professional

Aug 1st, 2022 at 10:07   Auto Services   525 North Rd, Coquitlam, BC V3J 1N7   13 views Reference: 108207
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General Information

Are you looking for high quality auto service that's right in your neighbourhood? Then look no further than Burquitlam Automotive (access from Lougheed Mall) to serve your needs. At Goodyear our goal is build to maintain a relationship with every person who phones or walks through our doors requiring our service. Whether you need a tune-up, brake job, or oil change we have the right technician and the right parts to get the job done right. Our technicians are trained and certified to perform quality maintenance and repair on domestic and imported vehicles. With a huge selection of Goodyear, Dunlop, and Kelly Tires in stock and very knowledgeable factory trained staff, we can help to keep you safe on the road. Please give us a call or stop by (fresh pot of coffee always ready). From air conditioning to wiper blades we do it all. Goodyear Tire and Auto Service (Burquitlam Automotive) is home of the repeat customer. Bringing your vehicle to us ensures you the best service, the best parts, the most knowledgeable technicians and the best price. Our location is BCAA approved and we are member of the Tri-Cities Chambers of Commerce.Goodyear is the world's largest tire company. Headquartered in Akron, Ohio, the company manufactures tires, engineered rubber products and chemicals in more than 80 facilities in 28 countries. It has marketing operations in almost every country around the world. Goodyear employs about 85,000 people worldwide.

Website: http://www.burquitlamautomotive.com/

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