Bumperboys Autobody Professional
Aug 4th, 2022 at 06:01 Auto Services 101-17854 106A Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1V3 18 views Reference: 223826When you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Bumperboys Autobody
Total Listing
About Seller
Skuffz is dedicated to saving you money while making your car look great and getting it back to factory paint condition to as close as possible. We specialize in cracked and scuffed bumpers and all your ding and scraps on your car. Skuffz has a unique process using the highest quality products in which we repair a small part of your car while preserving your factory paint. Or repairs are done rite on your car without having to take off the factory bumpers or parts, saving you money. We at skuffz repair bumpers and paint repairs for approximately 28 of Edmonton's major auto dealers. We now offer repair service to the public often repairing your car for less than your deductible. We also do direct billing to insurance companies. We welcome all insurance claims. Skuffz has 17 years in bumper repair and plastic welding experience. All our paint repairs carry warranties. Also fix motorcycle fairings and sled hoods anything plastic.
Services Areas
Edmonton And Surrounding Areas,
Products and Services
3M Paint Protection,
Spot Paint Repair,
Pickup Services,
Hydro Graphics,
Mystique Wheel Protection,
Bumpers & Autoparts,
Bumper Repair,
Plastic Welding,
Cracked And Scuffed Bumpers,
Scraps On Your Car,
Languages Spoken