Bowtie Inc Professional
Aug 12th, 2022 at 11:43 Auto Services Oromocto 13 views Reference: 820022Location: Oromocto
General Information
Bowtie Inc. is a fabrication shop which builds race cars, monster trucks, lifted 4x4's, etc. Bowtie Inc. is managed by Kevin Trites, a renowned professional in the business. Kevin Trites's team has featured several of their achievements over the years at trade shows and car shows across East Canada locations such as Moncton, Halifax, Saint John and Shediac. They have been very successful at them. They have won several first place wins as well as several other rewards.
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Seller Information
About Seller
Bowtie Inc. is a fabrication shop which builds race cars, monster trucks, lifted 4x4's, etc. Bowtie Inc. is managed by Kevin Trites, a renowned professional in the business. Kevin Trites's team has featured several of their achievements over the years at trade shows and car shows across East Canada locations such as Moncton, Halifax, Saint John and Shediac. They have been very successful at them. They have won several first place wins as well as several other rewards.