Bonfield Snowmobile Garage Professional
Aug 17th, 2022 at 01:39 Auto Services 315 Sunnyside, Bonfield, ON P0H 1E0 15 views Reference: 1262977Location: 315 Sunnyside, Bonfield, ON P0H 1E0
General Information
The Bonfield Snowmobile Club is one of approximately 230 local snowmobile clubs composing the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC).Our local club was founded in 1969 by John Foisy and has been going strong ever since. We were one of the pioneers in establishing the organized trail system here in Northern Ontario.Our first club President was Edward Lamothe and the first snowmobile dealer in the Bonfield area was Sampson Sales.
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Seller Information
Bonfield Snowmobile Garage
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About Seller
The Bonfield Snowmobile Club is one of approximately 230 local snowmobile clubs composing the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC).Our local club was founded in 1969 by John Foisy and has been going strong ever since. We were one of the pioneers in establishing the organized trail system here in Northern Ontario.Our first club President was Edward Lamothe and the first snowmobile dealer in the Bonfield area was Sampson Sales.