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BMC Motor Works Ltd Professional

Aug 10th, 2022 at 08:48   Auto Services   1861 Franklin St, Vancouver, BC V5L 1P9   19 views Reference: 659070

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General Information

Welcome to BMC Motorworks Limited, your site for Vancouver Auto Service.The Crew at BMC have been involved in racing cars since 1978. In 1979, they began with the very sleek Lola 296 Canam (with a 4 cylinder bdg-x engine with 285 hp). Between 1984 - 87, BMC handled the set-up and tune-up of a 1982 Reynard Formula Ford (pictured below), with Bill Johnston, driver extraordinaire, as driver. During the 84 - 85 season the car finished 3rd. In the 85 - 86 season it finished first, as well as the 86 - 87 season when the car was converted to a Formula 2000 car.In 1991, BMC set-up this March Can Am v2L, which ran in the 1991 Can Am Championship. Between 1990 - 97 BMC has been variously involved in the Molson Indy (Cart Racing). In 1996, BMC prepped a 1966 Jaguar with Garth Pollard as driver, which came in 3rd during the 1994/95 season.

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