Blue Chip Automotive Ltd Professional
Aug 10th, 2022 at 03:28 Auto Services 1-8808 Laurel St, Vancouver, BC V6P 3V8 9 views Reference: 613295Location: 1-8808 Laurel St, Vancouver, BC V6P 3V8
General Information
Our autobody repair shop specializes in collision repair and custom detailing. Our wheel alignment and tire balancing techniques are fully computerized. The premium-quality paints we use are as good as or better than your vehicle's original paint. And our frame and body measuring system combines a scanning laser and computer database of all makes and models to straighten virtually any frame to within 1 mm of factory specs. If you've been in an accident or just need body work, a paint touch up or some custom detail work.
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Master Card, American Express, Visa
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