Best Friends Professional
Aug 17th, 2022 at 16:32 Pet Services L'Amoreaux 17 views Reference: 1390851Location: L'Amoreaux
General Information
Best Friends Animal Society is a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit organization that operates the nation's largest sanctuary for homeless animals and provides adoption, spay/neuter and educational programs.© 2014 Best Friends. All Rights Reserved - 5001 Angel Canyon Rd, Kanab, UT 84741Privacy Policy|Terms & Conditions|Contact Us|Careers|Site Map|For the MediaOf the over five-hundred charities currently rated by CharityWatch , only a select number qualify for the listing of Top-Rated charities based on their rigorous standards. Groups that merit Top-Rated status are highly efficient, do not hold excessive assets in reserve, and receive 'open-book' status for disclosure of basic financial information and documents to CharityWatch.
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