Barry's Auto Professional
Aug 9th, 2022 at 02:42 Auto Services 25-990 Leathead Rd, Kelowna, BC V1X 2J8 15 views Reference: 532809Location: 25-990 Leathead Rd, Kelowna, BC V1X 2J8
General Information
Our dedicated and certified service technicians have over 100 years in combined experience in automotive service and repairs. They are going through on-going training to make sure they are up to date on any changing procedures and technologies. Let us take care of your investment, and your family. Even if you're not sure what you need, we can diagnose it and a service technician will review everything with you in detail to make sure you understand what you need, and the services we are providing. You can stop in, or give our service manager Ike a call to make your appointment.
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Seller Information
Barry's Auto
Total Listing
About Seller
Our dedicated and certified service technicians have over 100 years in combined experience in automotive service and repairs. They are going through on-going training to make sure they are up to date on any changing procedures and technologies. Let us take care of your investment, and your family. Even if you're not sure what you need, we can diagnose it and a service technician will review everything with you in detail to make sure you understand what you need, and the services we are providing. You can stop in, or give our service manager Ike a call to make your appointment.