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Babyview 3d Prenatal Inc Professional

Aug 14th, 2022 at 09:42   Medical Services   211-1550 Kingston Rd, Pickering, ON L1V 1C3   16 views Reference: 1009472

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General Information

With 3D and 4D UltrasoundsCongratulations on your pregnancy!As your baby prepares to come into the world, you are sure to be overcome by excitement and anticipation. You know what lies ahead is a miracle yet you have more uncertainty than ever before and more questions than you can count. 'Who will baby look like? Has she got Mommy's eyes, daddy's nose?'BabyViewTM 3D ultrasounds provide you with the extraordinary ability to bond with your baby at this amazing stage of development. Your heart will melt as you glimpse the precious life that has been created.At BabyView, the sonographers intimately understand the joy, excitement and trepidation you are feeling. You and your baby will be in good hands as Cheryl and her team capture the essence and beauty of what is truly important to you-as a new mom or dad.BabyView is proudly owned and operated by Cheryl Gerelus. A mother herself, she truly understands the joy and excitement of an expectant mother. With over 15 years experience, she provides unsurpassed care.BabyView ultrasound services expecting mothers from Toronto, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Courtice, Clarington, Vaughan, Trenton, Belleville, GTA and many other surrounding areas

Products and Services

  • clinics medical,

Accepted Payment Method(s)

Master Card ,Cash, Visa

Website: http://www.babyview.ca/

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