Auto Recruit Professional
Aug 17th, 2022 at 03:59 Auto Services 14-3075 14th Ave, Markham, ON L3R 0G9 18 views Reference: 1281410Location: 14-3075 14th Ave, Markham, ON L3R 0G9
General Information
AutoRecruit Inc. was the first recruitment firm in Canada to focus specifically in the automotive industry and has compiled Canada's largest database of automotive professionals at all levels of the industry. Our large candidate database complements our national search ability and comprehensive search strategy to ensure speed, efficiency and quality of service for our clients, whether in Toronto, Ontario or across Canada.AutoRecruit's client services include employee recruitment, confidential position advertising and interview/pre-screening services.
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Seller Information
Auto Recruit
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About Seller
AutoRecruit Inc. was the first recruitment firm in Canada to focus specifically in the automotive industry and has compiled Canada's largest database of automotive professionals at all levels of the industry. Our large candidate database complements our national search ability and comprehensive search strategy to ensure speed, efficiency and quality of service for our clients, whether in Toronto, Ontario or across Canada.AutoRecruit's client services include employee recruitment, confidential position advertising and interview/pre-screening services.