Argus Automotive Ltd Professional
Aug 18th, 2022 at 04:56 Auto Services 2334 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville, ON L6L 6M7 9 views Reference: 1462082Location: 2334 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville, ON L6L 6M7
General Information
Argus Automotive has always been a general repair shop located originally on Argus Road in Oakville. As of 2009 Argus Automotive has been under new ownership. New owner, Nick Thompson, has strived to grow the business and to provide even better service for its customers.
Opening Information
Monday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Tuesday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Wednesday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Thursday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Friday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Saturday | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm |
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Master Card, Visa
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Argus Automotive Ltd
Total Listing
About Seller
Argus Automotive has always been a general repair shop located originally on Argus Road in Oakville. As of 2009 Argus Automotive has been under new ownership. New owner, Nick Thompson, has strived to grow the business and to provide even better service for its customers.