Angelo Auto Repair Professional
Aug 16th, 2022 at 09:43 Auto Services 548 Dupont St, Toronto, ON M6G 1Y9 17 views Reference: 1200963Location: 548 Dupont St, Toronto, ON M6G 1Y9
General Information
Angelo Auto Repair(formerly known as Angelo's Service Center) is returning to the Village, bringing with it a record of 25 yerars' exemplary service and a dedication to ensurig local residents recieve the best in car care. 'I moved for a couple years but decided to reopen back in the same area,' says owner Angelo Tulipano. ' I knew a lot of the people, and its strange to go away.
Products and Services
- oil changes,
Accepted Payment Method(s)
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Angelo Auto Repair
Total Listing
About Seller
Angelo Auto Repair(formerly known as Angelo's Service Center) is returning to the Village, bringing with it a record of 25 yerars' exemplary service and a dedication to ensurig local residents recieve the best in car care. 'I moved for a couple years but decided to reopen back in the same area,' says owner Angelo Tulipano. ' I knew a lot of the people, and its strange to go away.
Products and Services
oil changes,