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AML Auto Service Professional

Aug 14th, 2022 at 05:10   Auto Services   5767 Highway 7, Woodbridge, ON L4L 1T7   16 views Reference: 967371
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General Information

Since 1960, AML has been hard at work keeping Toronto’s cars safely on the road. It was in September of that year that Art French, a young, talented mechanic, and his wife Alice, a trained and experienced bookkeeper, joined their names together to coin the title for their dream: Artenal Motors. Integrity, hard work and long hours were the backbone of their new business, providing means to raise their five children as well as earn the loyalty and respect of their increasing clientele.Since that time, both Art and Alice have passed away, but their dream – now also known as AML Auto Service – has evolved into a small but modern corporation and a leader in both customer service and automotive service. We utilize high-tech diagnostic and repair equipment, extensive technical databases provided by MOTOR/ALLDATA® and Mitchell, and continuous training to ensure our ability to accurately diagnose and repair the modern automobile. Complete service records, coupled with regular service reminders, help our customers maintain their new or old vehicle in top shape and at the same time preserve both the vehicle’s warranty and its value. Our newsletter helps our customers understand their vehicles better and provides a means to update them on events and legislation concerning their vehicles and changes we may be making within our company. Now owned by the next generation Art French and his wife Rica, the same honesty, integrity and hard work remain the backbone of AML. The use

Products and Services

  • American Car Repair,
  • Auto Repair,
  • Car Wheel Alignment,
  • Alignment,
  • Asian Car Repair,
  • Suspension,
    • Front End,
    • Oil Change,
    • Electrical,
    • Diagnostic,
    • Exhaust,
    • Car Alternator Repair,
    • Car Battery Replacement,
    • Car Cooling System Repair,
    • Car Oil Change,
    • Car Motor Scan Analysis,
    • Car Shock Repair,
    • Car Tire Rotation,
    • Car Tune-up,
    • Clutch Repair,

Languages Spoken

  • English,
  • Italian,

Opening Information

Monday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Accepted Payment Method(s)

Visa, Master Card, Interac, American Express ,Cash

Website: https://www.amlautoservice.com/

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