AMJ Campbell International Professional
Aug 8th, 2022 at 07:08 Home Services Richmond 16 views Reference: 482952Location: Richmond
General Information
AMJ Campbell was the first among Canadian movers to gain its FAIM designation. This quality program was designed by Ernst & Young specifically for the international moving industry. All of the important aspects of the services which will impact your move are scrutinized by Ernst & Young. Companies like ours who are serious about quality have invested in FAIM so wherever possible, we select FAIM-certified companies as our partners around the world.
Products and Services
- overseas move,
home servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
AMJ Campbell International
Total Listing
About Seller
AMJ Campbell was the first among Canadian movers to gain its FAIM designation. This quality program was designed by Ernst & Young specifically for the international moving industry. All of the important aspects of the services which will impact your move are scrutinized by Ernst & Young. Companies like ours who are serious about quality have invested in FAIM so wherever possible, we select FAIM-certified companies as our partners around the world.
Products and Services
overseas move,