Alex Pneu Et Mécanique Professional
Aug 21st, 2022 at 03:08 Auto Services 6000, rue Sherbrooke E, Montréal, QC H1N 1B8 6 views Reference: 1681017General Information
At Alex, we know auto care. Plateau Mont-Royal, we strive every day to provide the high-quality service that brings our clients back again and again.
Products and Services
- Tire Dealers Retail,
- Tire Dealer & Repair Shop,
- Automotive Glass Service,
Opening Information
Monday | 7:30 am - 5:30 pm |
Tuesday | 7:30 am - 5:30 pm |
Wednesday | 7:30 am - 5:30 pm |
Thursday | 7:30 am - 5:30 pm |
Friday | 7:30 am - 5:30 pm |
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Alex Pneu Et Mécanique
Total Listing
About Seller
At Alex, we know auto care. Plateau Mont-Royal, we strive every day to provide the high-quality service that brings our clients back again and again.
Products and Services
Tire Dealers Retail,
Tire Dealer & Repair Shop,
Automotive Glass Service,