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AGQ Corporation Inc Professional

Aug 5th, 2022 at 11:51   Home Services   39 Evergreen Sq SW, Calgary, AB T2Y 4W3   12 views Reference: 292314
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General Information

Calgary is one of the greenest cities in Canada and now the first to have an intelligent packing solution! Once Calgary launched its Blue Cart Curb Side Recycling system, we at ecobox knew it was the perfect time to join forces and continue trying to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! ecobox will eliminate the use of cardboard boxes used in home and office moving, which will in turn will reduce the waste, eliminate the hassle, and eliminate the polluting and wasteful process of making cardboard. We at ecobox will strive to bring you good quality and service and we will strive to bring you a green company that can make a huge impact on our earth. As we continue to grow we will offer you more products that are green conscious and good for our earth. We will also strive to develop more efficient and environmentally friendly ways of storing, washing and moving our boxes.

Website: http://www.ecobox.ca/

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