AFS Automotive Ltd Professional
Aug 10th, 2022 at 08:44 Auto Services 7438 Gilley Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 4X5 10 views Reference: 658235Location: 7438 Gilley Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 4X5
General Information
AFS Auto Propane was established in 1991 and is proud to be the #1 propane conversion company in the province! Based in Burnaby, we convert almost any vehicle to run on cost-effective propane as well as provide general repairs and maintenance for all makes and models of cars and trucks. Call us to learn more about how you can save money by converting your vehicle or fleet of vehicles to propane! Card lock available for propane fill-ups as well as BBQ Tank refills during business hours,
Products and Services
- Fuel Conversion,
- Gas Propane Conversion,
- Gas To Propane Conversion,
- Propane Injection Specialists,
- Free Fuel Per Conversion,
- Fleet Service,
- Auto Propane,
- Automotive Fuel Conversion,
- Conversion Kit,
- Engine Propane Conversion,
- Superior Propane Cardlock,
- Air Care,
- BBQ Tank Refill,
- BBQ Tank Accessories,
- BBQ Heating Accessories,
- BBQ Tank Hoses,
Brands Carried
- Prins,
- Manchester Tanks,
- Landi Renzo,
- Impco Brc,
- Sleeger Tanks,
- Propane Injection Specialists,
- Air Care,
- Over 35 Years Of Experience,
- Free Fuel Per Conversion,
- Fleet Service,
- Propane Auto Gas Conversion,
- Superior Propane Cardlock,
- Autogas,
- BBQ Tank Refill,
- Propane Tank Heating Accessories,
Languages Spoken
- English,
Getting There
- Located On Gilley (between Rumble & Beresford),
Opening Information
Monday | 6:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Tuesday | 6:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Wednesday | 6:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Thursday | 6:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Friday | 6:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Accepted Payment Method(s)
Visa, Master Card ,Cash, Interac
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
AFS Automotive Ltd
Total Listing
About Seller
AFS Auto Propane was established in 1991 and is proud to be the #1 propane conversion company in the province! Based in Burnaby, we convert almost any vehicle to run on cost-effective propane as well as provide general repairs and maintenance for all makes and models of cars and trucks. Call us to learn more about how you can save money by converting your vehicle or fleet of vehicles to propane!
Card lock available for propane fill-ups as well as BBQ Tank refills during business hours,
Products and Services
Fuel Conversion,
Gas Propane Conversion,
Gas To Propane Conversion,
Propane Injection Specialists,
Free Fuel Per Conversion,
Fleet Service,
Auto Propane,
Automotive Fuel Conversion,
Conversion Kit,
Engine Propane Conversion,
Superior Propane Cardlock,
Air Care,
BBQ Tank Refill,
BBQ Tank Accessories,
BBQ Heating Accessories,
BBQ Tank Hoses,
Brands Carried
Manchester Tanks,
Landi Renzo,
Impco Brc,
Sleeger Tanks,
Propane Injection Specialists,
Air Care,
Over 35 Years Of Experience,
Free Fuel Per Conversion,
Fleet Service,
Propane Auto Gas Conversion,
Superior Propane Cardlock,
BBQ Tank Refill,
Propane Tank Heating Accessories,
Languages Spoken
Getting There
Located On Gilley (between Rumble & Beresford),