A & L Auto Recyclers Ltd Professional
Aug 18th, 2022 at 01:36 Auto Services 7525 County Rd 42, Pointe Aux Roches, ON N0R 1N0 7 views Reference: 1425160General Information
A&L Auto Recyclers has been in operation since 1961. Its founder Mr. Andre Lanoue established it. In 1965, the company was incorporated as A&L Auto Wreckers Ltd. Later, in 1984 the company's name was changed to A&L Auto Recyclers Inc. to more accurately reflect the recycling activities of the organization.
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Website: https://www.facebook.com/ALAutoRecyclers
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ALAutoRecyclers
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Seller Information
A & L Auto Recyclers Ltd
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About Seller
A&L Auto Recyclers has been in operation since 1961. Its founder Mr. Andre Lanoue established it. In 1965, the company was incorporated as A&L Auto Wreckers Ltd. Later, in 1984 the company's name was changed to A&L Auto Recyclers Inc. to more accurately reflect the recycling activities of the organization.