5252 Motorsports Professional
Aug 11th, 2022 at 02:30 Auto Services 108-1759 Sean Heights, Saanichton, BC V8M 1X6 15 views Reference: 715623General Information
We are motorsport enthusiasts. Working on all vehicle types is our passion as much as it is our career, and here we guarantee to do the best job, all the time. From simple oil and coolant changes, to custom forced induction or complete vehicle rewiring, at 5252 Motorsports, we take pride in our careful attention to detail, our use of quality parts and our personal guarantee that we will improve your vehicle's performance. We understand that your vehicle is your pride and joy and we'll treat it that way. In our full service automotive shop, we specialize in custom jobs such as: Dyno tuning in our custom designed dyno cell, Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) conversions, forced induction design and installations, automotive performance parts sales, stand alone engine control unit (ECU) installations, engine swaps, suspension and brake upgrades, high performance service work and so much more.
Website: http://5252motorsports.com/
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