49th Parallel Towing Professional
Aug 10th, 2022 at 05:21 Auto Services 11051 Chemainus Rd, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1Z3 9 views Reference: 630218General Information
49th Parallel Towing is a BCAA authorized road service that has served clients in Chemainus and Ladysmith for over 25 years. Our services include towing for motorcycles and custom cars, scrap car removal, battery boosts, unlocking, ICBC and long distance towing. Call us today from wherever you’re experiencing car problems, and we’ll be there right away.
Products and Services
- Motorcycles,
- Custom Cars,
- Car Carrier,
- Battery Boosts,
- Service Truck,
- Scrap Car Removal,
- Doors Unlocked,
- Long Distance Towing,
Languages Spoken
- English,
auto servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
49th Parallel Towing
Total Listing
About Seller
49th Parallel Towing is a BCAA authorized road service that has served clients in Chemainus and Ladysmith for over 25 years. Our services include towing for motorcycles and custom cars, scrap car removal, battery boosts, unlocking, ICBC and long distance towing. Call us today from wherever you’re experiencing car problems, and we’ll be there right away.
Products and Services
Custom Cars,
Car Carrier,
Battery Boosts,
Service Truck,
Scrap Car Removal,
Doors Unlocked,
Long Distance Towing,
Languages Spoken